Wednesday 9 May 2012

technical rehearsal evaluation

In preparation for our show ‘aspirations and dreams’ to take place on Friday the 27th we arranged a full cast rehearsal so we could carry out a technical run giving backstage a chance to practise with the music, lighting and microphone set up. It also gave the acts a chance to practise on the stage and use the space provided. Because it is down to our BTEC group to organise the whole production we started the rehearsal by setting up and assembling the blocks that would complete the staging area and made sure it was stable to avoid an accident. Then we got the standing microphones organised, connecting them and putting them on the staging in the position where they would be needed first with the help of our previously drawn up mic-cue sheet. We checked the two head-mics were working and ready to be used. We decided to let the guest acts rehearse first and each act did a full technical run through. We also directed all the acts as to where on stage they should be for best effect to make sure the audience got the best view and experience watching the acts. We experimented with using head-mics and standing mics on singers and actors to find out what produced the best sound and overall performance quality so the audience gets a good show. It was very exciting to see it all come together for the first time. The guest acts were all really amazing and are really going to add to the show giving it a huge amount of variety that would not have been possible if we attempted this show using just our group. On our part is was a very good decison to find a backstage crew instead of trying to manage it ourselves because none of us had anny real experience in this area, however during the tech rehearsal we did learn a lot about how the sound and lighting works which was very good for us.
picture from the rehearsal We rehearsed a few of our group numbers just to see what the sound was like and if we had enough space on the stage. We found that our ‘Annie’ numbers went very well and everyone projected their voices well so that all audience members would be able to hear. However when rehearsing our ‘we will rock you’ section we got feedback saying we weren’t loud enough when singing which is a big issue we will have to work hard on in time for Fridays performance. All in all the rehearsal went very well and it was very enjoyable to watch the guest acts as well as practise ourselves. I think the technical run through has meant we can stop worrying about lighting and musical issues and instead focus on the performance aspect of the show.

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